During autumn of 2013 and spring 2014, Preamp produced the documentary Sarah Dawn Finer söker Sally Bowles (Eng: Sarah Dawn Finer Seeking Sally Bowles) on behalf of K-Special, Swedish Television (SVT).
On her journey to play the legendary character Sally Bowles, Sarah Dawn Finer goes to Berlin to walk in the fictional character’s footsteps. Along the way she dives deep into the real story that the musical is based on: a Berlin before Hitler came to power in Germany, free from censorship and, for the time, open sexuality.
– ”To assume the role of Sally Bowles is one of the biggest challenges I have so far in my artistic career. Both personally and professionally”, says Sarah
Length: 55 minutes
Read more about the documentary on svt.se/k-special/sarah-dawn-finer-soker-sally-bowles
Cinematographer Frida Wendel
Edit/Graphic Pier Franceschi
Producer Fredric Ollerstam
Exekutive Producer Petra Markgren-Wangler
Project manager SVT Emelie Persson
Publisher SVT Eva Bäckman
Uppsala Stadsteaters ”Cabaret”
Musical ”Cabaret” by Fred Ebb & John Kander
Script by av Joe Masteroff efter Christopher Isherwoods bok »Farwell to Berlin«
Translator: Rikard Bergqvist Publishing house: Förlag Nordiska ApS
Director: Ronny Danielsson
Choreograph: Roger Lybeck
Music arrangement by Joakim Hallin
Producer Uppsala Stadsteater: Niklas Borefors