During 2013 LFO – The Movie was produced by Preamp´s Fredric Ollerstam produced together with Alexander Brønsted and Antonio Tublén from PingPongFilm Aps.
LFO is a dark comedy/drama/Sci-Fi about a man who realizes that he can hypnotize with sound. He starts experimenting on his neighbors, where the abuse of power takes over and, eventually, severe consequences for mankind are at stake.
Director: Antonio Tublén
Producers: Alexander Brøndsted, Fredric Ollerstam, Antonio Tublén
Writer: Antonio Tublén
Patrik Karlson as Robert Nord
Izabella Jo Tschig as Linn
Per Löfberg as Simon
Ahnna Rasch as Clara
Lukas Loughran as Peter
Erik Börén as Sinus-San
Björn Löfberg Egner as Sebastian